Thursday, 30 January 2014

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Gajender Sharma (Loksabha Pratyashi, Gautam Buddh Nagar)

The Loksabha elections are held in the mid of 2014 and various political party of India to doing work to elect the loksabha election. As one of the greatest party in India is Indian Oceanic Party (IOP). Shri C.P Vyas is the National President of IOP. According to him " They want to work for Indian peoples with Honesty".

Shri Gajender Sharma is the social worker, teacher and politican (now) he elects the Loksabha election from Gautam Buddh Nagar. He wish to do work for the nation and growth of nation with honesty. Mr. Sharma says that the nation building is depend upon the people of nation if we all are together in a unity then we solve all the issue and India become the greatest Country.The competitive parties for Indian Oceanic Party is Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), BJP, Aam Aadmi Party, Samajwadi Party (SP). All the parties are doing the preparation for the Loksabha elections 2014. Only predictions not say anything is depend upon the election who can won as a Member of Parliament. Shri Gajender sharma is the Loksabha Pratyashi from Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh.
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Shri Onkar Prasad Jatav Hathras

As the Lok Sabha elections held in the year of 2014 and the time is not so far. The independent National Level Political party is on the rapidly growing. Shri Onkar Prasad Jatav, a independent politician elects the Loksabha Election from the District Hathras. 


He says that the development of any state and Nation is depends upon their public and politics when we are together we find out the solution of various problems. According to the news, Sh. O.P. Jatav joins the Indian Oceanic Party as in the part of its National Working Committee member. The party says they will elect do develop the nation and sure they will win the election. Well there are other parties also who callobrate in Uttar Pradesh and doing their preparation for the Loksabha Election 2014. The recently popular party who won the election in 2014 in Delhi, Aam Aadmi party is also are on the working stage for the election of Loksabha in 2014.

Shri Onkar Prasad Jatav is renowed personality in their area and he doing various work in their home town at Uttar Pradesh. The family is also do work with the Gram Panchayat. Days are not so far away time is going to be fastly IOP hope for a great revolution  in India that will change the future.

If you want to know more visit

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

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Indian Oceanic Party elects the Loksabha Elections all over the Country

नई दिल्ली। लोकसभा चुनाव नजदीक आते ही सियासी दलों ने भी अपनी-अपनी मूंछ पैनानी शुरू कर दी है। हर पार्टी लोकसभा चुनाव में अपी किस्मत आजमाना चाहती है इसी क्रम में इंडियन ओसनिक पार्टी ने भी चुनाव चिन्ह टेलीफोन के निशान पर 441 सीटों पर चुनाव लडऩे की घोषणा की है।
इंडियन ओसनिक पार्टी के राष्टï्रीय अध्यक्ष सी.पी. व्यास ने बताया कि उनके अपने लोकसभा चुनाव की शुरूआत हजरत निजामुद्दीन दरगाह में दर्शन कर की। इसकी सर्वप्रथम बैठक दरगाह के सज्जादा नशीन कासिफ निजामी के कार्यालय पर बैठक कर की। उन्होंने बताया कि वह जल्द ही 441 लोकसभा प्रत्याशियों की सूची जारी करेंगे।
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स्पेशल सेल को भंग किया जाए : सी.पी. व्यास

नई दिल्ली। कश्मीरी युवक लियाकत अली शाह की गिरफ्तारी और दिल्ली पुलिस स्पेशल सेल द्वारा दिल्ली को होली के अवसर पर फिदाईन हमलों से दहलाने की मनघड़ंत कहानी पर प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त करते हुए इंडियनल ओसनिक पार्टी के राष्टï्रीय अध्यक्ष सी.पी. व्यास(अवकाश प्राप्त आईएएस) प्रेस को जारी एक बयान में कहा है कि आखिरकार इस बार भी दिल्ली पुलिस का दावा झूठा निकला जिससे साफ जाहिर होता है कि दिल्ली पुलिस आतंकवाद के आरोप में निर्दोष मुस्लिम नौजवानों को गिरफ्तार करके नामालूम लाभ लेना चाहती थी।
दिल्ली पुलिस के संदिग्ध कारनामें की वजह से लोगों का विश्वास पुलिस से उठने लगा है और ये साबित हो रहा है कि दिल्ली पुलिस का स्पेशल सेल भी सांप्रदायिक मानसिकता से ग्रस्त है। उन्होंने कहा कि स्पेशल सेल ने लियाकत अली शाह को गौरखपुर (उत्तर प्रदेश) से गिरफ्तार किया और अगले दिन अराफात होटल में विस्फोटक सामग्री रखने का काम पुलिस के एक अधिकारी ने किया और आरोप कथित आतंकवादी पर लगा दिया। उन्होंने कहा है कि दिल्ली के मुस्लिम बहुल इलाकों से चुनाव जीतने वाले मुस्लिम विधायक इस मुद्दे पर रहस्यमय तरीके से चुप्पी साधे हुऐ हैं, उन्होंने विधायक शुऐब इकबाल की चुप्पी पर आश्चर्य जताया। सी.पी. व्यास ने आरोप लगाते हुऐ कहा कि अब तक तो औखला को ही कथित तौर से आतंकवाद की शरणस्थली के तौर पर पेश किया जाता रहा है लेकिन अब जामा मस्जिद जैसे पवित्र व एतिहासिक मुस्लिम इलाके को भी इसी श्रेणी में लाने की साजिश की जा रही हैं।

इंडियन ओसनिक पार्टी के राष्टï्रीय अध्यक्ष एवं अवकाश प्राप्त आईएएस सी.पी. व्यास ने दिल्ली पुलिस की कार्य प्रणाली पर सवाल उठाते हुए कहा कि दिल्ली पुलिस जानबूझकर शरीफ मुसलमानों को आतंकवाद के आरोप में फंसाने का काम कर रही है, जम्मू कश्मीर के मुख्यमंत्री उमर अब्दुल्लाह और गृह मंत्रालय के बयान से जाहिर होता है कि उसने लियाकत शाह को फर्जी मामलों में फंसाया है। सी.पी. व्यास ने मांग की है कि एनआईए की जांच का रुख उस ओर भी होना चाहिये कि इस साजिश में कौन – कौन पुलिसकर्मी शामिल हैं? और अराफात होटल में विस्फोटक सामग्री किसने रखी थी? उन्होंने गृह मंत्रालय से अपील करते हुऐ कहा कि राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के गंभीर मसले पर पुलिस की संदिग्ध भूमिका पर कड़ी कार्रवाई करे।
सी.पी. व्यास ने कहा कि पुलिस इस तरह की मनघड़ंत कहानी गढ़ कर मुस्लिम इलाकों को संदिग्ध इलाकों के रुप में पेश करना चाहती है जिससे राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर मुसलमानों की छवि को नुकसान पहुंचाया जा सके उन्होंने कहा कि पुलिस ने जिस संदिग्ध आतंकवादी का स्केच जारी किया है उसमें भी मुसलमानों से जुड़े एक विशिष्ट पहचान (जाली दार टोपी) प्रकट होती है जिसे मुसलमान ही पहनते हैं, इससे एक बार फिर आतंकवाद की पहचान को मुसलमानों के साथ जोडऩे की कोशिश की गई है।
उन्होंने कहा कि स्पेशल सेल आतंकवादी घटनाओं के तथ्यों को तोड़ मरोड़ कर प्रस्तुत कर रही है जिससे आम जनता में इसकी छवि खराब हुई है जिससे लोगों को उसके ऊपर विश्वास नहीं रहा है। उन्होंने गृहमंत्री से दिल्ली पुलिस की स्पेशल सेल को भंग करने और इस साजिश में शामिल अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध सख्त कार्रवाई करने की मांग की, साथ ही मुस्लिम राजनेताओं और मुस्लिम संस्थाओं से अपील की है कि इस गैर लोकतांत्रिक, गैर सैक्यूलर साजिश के खिलाफ आवाज बुलंद करें।

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

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National President of IOP- Shri C.P. Vyas

There are lots of Political Party in India. In the year of 2010 a new political party is established by Sh. C.p. Vyas. The motto of this National Level Independent Political Party is to develop the India and its youth because Youth is the new future of any nation. If youth of India is developed then India is automatically become a developed nation and its become the Top Nation in the World.

About Sh, C.P. Vyas:-


Shri C.P. Vyas is the National President of Indian Oceanic Party (IOP) the slogan of the party is "Sacchai ka Sabut bano, Majboor nahi..Majboot Bano" . Sh. C.P. Vyas works as an I.A.S. Officer but due to Political Corrupt System he resigned  and then he thought to about found a Political party which impart to develop the nation. According to him "When Youth of India is Unite under one Umbrella, then the India will be free from all type of Problems" .

After establishing the Indian Oceanic Party in 2010 Sh. C.P. Vyas rapidly doing the work to improve the functionalities of India and doing work as National President of IOP. Many people across the India join the Indian Oceanic Party as member of the IOP. He also organized various conferences at various Places of India.
To learn more about Indian Oceanic Party visit at -
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Indians are poor but India is not a poor country

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For the Citizen of India - IOP

 The problem is that the whole bureacracy and politician is corrupt. For everything, even a small electric line conection you have to bribe in India. All the law created in parliament are useless because bureacracy takes it just as means to earn money. You pay money and you can bypass any law in India. The whole political system is based on black money. Every minister is corrupt, actually more than 50% have criminal background. In last 64 years no bureacrat or minister was ever punished. The reason is simple. PM is supported by ministers and CBI is under control of Prime Minister (PM). Why the PM will be honest to punish the people by whom support s/he is PM.

This is the most childish administrative setup ever seen, a criminal being judge for himself. Now the thing has gone for worst, these politician have become so besharam and bold, just see how they have done corruption in CWG so openly, they know that it will be known to the World but they don't care. After 64 years of independence, 60% of Indian live below poverty line, earning less than a dollar per day, homeless, no food, no education, full of diseases, no future for their children.

The simple reason is that all the developmental money meant for them is taken away by corrupt politician and bureacrat. India is projecting itself a developing superpower but it can be compared with African countries only. According to CIA 70% of India is in insurgency from JK, North Eastern States, Bihar, WB, Orrisa, Chattisgarh, UP, part of Maharastra, part of AP, Jharkhand all are disturnbed area. The reason is simple poverty and under development. In 1990, then PM Rajiv Gandhi said that when they release Rs 100 from Delhi only Rs10 reach the needy people, 90% is eaten by corrupt midleman. Now I guess only 1% reaches to needy man. India is fast becoming next Somalia, Civil war, poverty, diseases, total chaos. Frankly India is at 3rd stage of Cancer, surviving on ventilator. After 9/11 attack, US immediately fixed their laws. there is no attack after that. In India, we know that corruption is everywhere, we know that nobody is punished ever but we never fix it due to vested interest. I am sure Politician will never fix for themselves. Politician know that People have no choices, they have to choose between few political parties and people can only rotate them. India being fractured society with so many languages, religion and caste, it will be difficult to survive as country if majority of people lose faith in constitution.

Sushant Annaji supporter have to be very careful, these corrupt politician will use all method to break the revolution. In Maharastra assembly, false case was registered against Anupam Kher for insulting Constitution. Remember that Anupamji was active supporter of Annaji. Maharastra congress minister Tariq in IBN7 news discussion raised the issue that Anupam Kher is RSS man because he is talking about changing constitution. Then he talks about Dalit, that changing constitution is insult to Ambedkarji. All bullshit, constitution was amended 104 times till now. From this we can get the idea about future course of action by politician. 1. Malalign Annaji and his core team, sort of character killing. 2. Harassing Anna supporter by creating false cases. 3. Bringing Religion/Caste to create rift in the revolution 4. Engineer Large scale sectarian violence around Jun/Jul/Aug. 5. Purchase media to spread rumor Be Vigilent, these CHOR can go to any length to protect their corrupt kingdom. (Just imagine the size of corruption market, it will be many times our GDP)
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Indian Oceanic Party (IOP)

Indian Oceanic Party (IOP) is taking place to develop the nation. IOP is formed in the year of 2010 by Sh. C.P. Vyas who is now National President of the Indian Oceanic Party. As in India there are lots of Independent parties which are established and formed by the various peoples to having a motto. Apart from that Indian Oceanic Party is one of the best reformation Independent National Level Political party. Sh. C.P. Vyas innaugrated the various meeting at Head office of IOP in New Delhi, India where many party workers (Karyakarta) participate and they found the party is well and the slogan which IOP says its " Majboor nahi, Majboot Bano..Sacchai ka Saboot Bano."

This is the Official Blog of Indian Oceanic Party which is established on 2010 for developing the nation and its youth. This party is for All India,and the party of all Indians is newly developed Indian Oceanic Party.

The Head office of Indian Oceanic Party is situated at New Delhi. This party is for the peoples to develop them the ideology to creating of this party is to making the nation proud and development of youth is the agenda. As in India the peoples of India are busy to making money and lots of the persons are corrupted means Corruption is the big issue in India. To remove the Corruption and making the India is a top nation this party continued doing the work.

The other information about the party you can found on this blog. The official blogging site of IOP is